The next generation of Rocky Mountain River Tours

Hello from Idaho,

First, let me apologize for my lack of posts.  The combo effect of wrapping up the river season and having a new baby has been a whirlwind.   Roni, Maya and I welcomed little Jonathan Tyler (aka….JT) to the party on September 4th .  These last few months have been filled with lots of love, sleepless nights & chasing the new normal.  As the dust settles and we find our groove we are having a blast.  Maya digs being a big sis, Mom is in love, and Dad is thankful for it all.

The next generation of Rocky
Future Rocky Guide

It has been 12 years since diapers, 2 AM feedings and tummy time.  I’ll be honest Parenthood, the 2nd time,  intimidated me.  Oddly, the similarities between a new baby and a new business motivated me on both paths.  In the beginning it was about creating a solid bond and finding a groove. Accepting that things are changing and time is in hyper speed.  In a strange way I gained a clear perspective of what is important & what’s not. The constant change forced me to ‘not sweat the small stuff’ and good things happened.  Next thing I know,  I am looking in the rear-view mirror and amazed by my progress and stoked about the future.  We have a happy, thriving, inspiring little boy…and can hardly wait to see what the future holds.  I daydream of sharing the wilderness with him.  Watching as his love for wild places, family and adventure influences who he is,  and what’s important.

See ya on the rio,


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